Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What do you eat?

What do you eat?
People often ask me what I eat or sometimes ask me if I like food. What kind of question is that? Before I say anything, they already expect me to ONLY eat Sushi or some sorts of raw fish stuff everyday.
Vivian (Me) : "NO, I don't eat sushi everyday."
(If you are curious what other questions people have asked me, click - Weird Questions?)
They always seem very disappointed when their expectation doesn't match with what I said.
So, they always follow up with millions of questions.
I always get overwhelmed by "millions of follow-up questions"
Do you eat rice? salad? chicken? mushroom? pasta? ... (list goes on)...

I eat ...
Japanese food
Healthy food
Soup, Rice, Vegetable, Seafood...
German food
Festival food
Unique food
Canadian food
Cheesy food
Oily food
French Fries
Korean food
Hawaiian food
Sandwich, Fruits, Meat, Pasta
French food
Spanish food
Bread, Dairy stuff
Thai food
Vietnamese food
Indian food
Spicy food
Noodles, Mushrooms 
Mediterranean food
Mexican food
Vegetarian food

MANY MORE Delicious Food from All over the World

I love both cooking and eating food. I'm waaaay far from a picky eater although there are foods that I can't eat or don't prefer eating. However, I always give it a try. I think it's unfair to say "I don't like it" before I actually taste the food. It is also really rude to people who made the produces and cooked for us. It's not good to be a picky eater in Japan. My grandma always told me that we need eat little bit of everything.
Also, I love trying authentic / unique / strange food. When I visit a different country, this is a "MUST DO" thing for me. So, I have tried some unique foods that some people get grossed out.
So, the answer to "what do I eat?" is basically...
"the same as what you eat + probably more delicious food that you haven't even tried" haha

My favorite American food is
New York Cheesecake!! haha
When you come to America, please give it a try ^^

If you know strange & delicious foods, please share!!
what it is, where I can try, how it tastes like... etc.
I would love to try that in the future :)

Talk to you soon


  1. What a strange question to ask!
    I loved reading this post, food is definitely one of my favourite things! Although the pictures did make me quite hungry ;)
    Baked Camembert has to be my favourite - so tasty!

    Christina | Passion Obsession

    1. Dear★Christina
      Thank you! I loved reading your comment! Baked Camembert.. hmm.. I can't say I already had it. I'll be sure to look it up & give it a try :D
