Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Human Race

Today, in my Communication class, we learned about stereotyping.
The professor asked us, students, that
"How many races are there?"

All of us started saying
"million" "too many to count" "three"

As we discussed how many races are out there,
The professor put his index finger (first finger / forefinger) up and quietly said


"human race"

All the students became very quiet. It was more like nobody could say anything and argue with that.
That's it. It grabbed my heart and caught everybody's attention. I had to write this down on my note, so that I can share with you... so that I can never forget what he said and how we reacted.

Then, he asked us
"There is a girl who is half Caucasian and half black.
What ethnicity is she? What is her race? MIXED? It's not a race. What is it?"
Nobody could answer this question.

One of the students shared his experience. He is a "Caucasian" who has grown up in the US and has never been to any other country. He doesn't speak any other language but English. However, he is partially Asian. 
So, people asks him "where are you from?"
He answers "US"
Then, they go "No, No, No.. Where are you really from?"
He shared with us how frustrating that is. He mentioned that everybody is mixed and nobody is from here except Native Americans, but many people ask him the same question.

It happens to me so many times, but I don't have any problems because I am actually born and raised in Japan. It was just very sad to hear that from him. It sounds like, to me, that.. people treat him like he doesn't belong to his own country. Can you imagine that? How would you answer to the question? How would you react to that?

There is no clear line to separate people.
Why do we still force ourselves to put people into categories?

I just loved the answer; "Human Race." That was such a great lecture!
I really wish all of us can be friends no matter what categories we belong to.
I wish all of us can share the great moments together, love one another, and smile happily from our heart.

For "Human Race"

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hello 2014 !!

Happy New Year
To Everyone
from Vivian and Garfy

Here is my lists of what I will do in 2014. It's very realistic for me. haha

This year, I will....

  1. Graduate from University
  2. Find a full time job
  3. Eat less
  4. Travel to at least one different country in the world
  5. Get a different hair cut
  6. Try to be ON TIME
  7. Make "working out" as part of my daily routine
  8. Write a new blog post once a week
  9. Get a driver's licence
  10. Get some licence or certificate
  11. Do all the homework
  12. Decorate my apartment well
  13. Find a new hobby
  14. Get a year older (haha)
  15. ENJOY rest of the student life in the US

Hope I can complete all of them by end of 2014 :D Do you make lists like this? What is on your list?

Hope you had a happy new year's event
