Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Here we come!!
We pretty much used trains to go everywhere while we were in Tokyo. You can drive cars to go to places because almost everybody surely has a driver's license. Taking trains is just more convenience & easy. We couldn't see people pushing each other to get onto the trains like crazy since it was a summer vacation seasons, but there were already enough people that made us feel very very crowded. (you can search "train in Tokyo" on Youtube. It's crazy)
We mainly went out for shopping, sightseeing, enjoying the night life... etc. We did a lot of stuff in Tokyo. Tokyo will never sleep. haha I wish I could write about what we did in Tokyo separately with many details, but I've been writing about Japan trip for a long time. It seems like I can never end my story of Japan trip because WE DID SOO MUCH STUFF!! haha 
What I really like about Tokyo is that...
It's clean. When you look ahead, you see the busiest city in the world with tons of people. When you look on your right, you see the traditional buildings. When you look on your left, you see natures. When you look behind you, you see really tall buildings everywhere. You should stop at every station and see completely different fashion styles, views, buildings, and so on.
I don't argue with you. Tokyo is the interesting place. I agree. I learn & find new things every day.

 I will write about Japan when I go back home. If you have any questions about Tokyo, leave a comment on this blog. I will surely love to recommend you places, foods, and many more things of Tokyo! I hope you can see what we did in Tokyo from day 5 to day 10 through my pictures. Sorry (;^;) I should end my story of this trip as "to be continued." Till the day, good bye Japan!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Tokyo Disney World

Hey hey hey hey hey!! Did you know that Japan has Tokyo Disney World? Did you know that there are Tokyo Disney Sea and Tokyo Disney Land? No?? Now, you do! I asked some of my friends and people who I went to explore Disney "which one should we go?" Disney Sea won! (If you like rides and haven't visited California Disney Land, you should go to Tokyo Disney Land.)
Do you remember this girl? It's Yumi! I interviewed her couple months ago when she was in the US. (Check the interview out!) Tokyo Disney Sea is everything related to Ocean! What things come to your mind when you think of Ocean + Well-knows place? Yes, Venice, Italy!! Gorgeous, isn't it? Many many water related characters are at Disney Sea  (*´▽`*) oh how beautiful!
Disney Land / Sea are known for different tastes of popcorn. Many people go to Disney Land / Sea for trying new flavored popcorn or getting their favorite flavored popcorn. I, personally, do not like popcorn.... after trying many kinds of popcorn. BUT my recommendation to you is this taste; Milk Tea flavored Popcorn!! Please, I can't believe that popcorn can be this tasty. I will definitely go back to Disney Sea to get this again. If you don't like popcorn, you can just check how many and what kind of flavors they have.
Trust me, there are many. 
 (prank!!? Garfy is being Ariel behind other tourists)
Tokyo Disney Resort is one of the dating spots.. means that many couples go there. I always always wanted to go with my boyfriend. Garfy made my tiny dream come true (*´v`*) Tokyo Disney Resort doesn't provide "first visit badge" like Disney World in the US, but they do give you "Birthday Stickers" even when it's not on your birthday. Garfy got one... Workers were like ハッピーバースデー!! (Happi- ba-sude- AKA Happy Birthday), and Garfy was like ありがとうございます(thank you in Japanese). You MUST try it!! haha We unfortunately didn't get to see any Disney characters there, but we sure had sooo much fun!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Here comes Nagano. I am pretty sure Nagano is not the one of well-known tourist places for foreigners, so many of you don't know about Nagano. But... I bet you know at least 1 thing of Nagano. Do you remember the year of 1998? in Nagano, Japan? It's a leap year. Winter? Should I give you the answer? haha yes, you must have gotten a right answer: "Nagano Winter Olympics" in 1998. tadaa!!
We did not do anything related to the Olympics there. What we did was ...experiencing a footbath!! I really wanted to do something good for health and beauty. Well, I always want to do. Here is a picture of taking a footbath with hot spring (^U^)
As you may already know, it is great for being relaxed. To add to that, a footbath is good for beauty, health, & metabolism! How? Well, it is basically that the heat goes all over your body and you eventually get sweaty. Getting sweaty is the proof of detoxification and burning calories! woohoo(^0^) Believe me! We got sweaty after taking a footbath like 5 minutes. Plus, hot spring contains natural minerals that make our skin happy.
I really would like to recommend you to take a footbath with hot spring when you come to Japan. "Especially for those of you who don't want to get naked and share a public bath with strangers together, but still want to experience hot springs in Japan (^^) Actually, footbath places are everywhere.
It is called 足湯(ashiyu) in Japanese. I hope you can find one of them!!
A trip with Summer ended after going to Nagano. It is always very sad to say "see you" to my best friend; Summer, but I feel very happy because I had such a wonderful trip with her. This last picture is my favorite place in Japan. If you drive a high way between Nagano and Tokyo, there is a spot where you can see a huge love letter on the mountain. Unfortunately, on the high way, there is no photo spot to stop and take a look at it. Isn't it so lovely?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Japan Trip : Osaka

Osaka is a prefecture that I had wanted to visit so badly, so we didヽ(◎´∀`)ノMy stereotypes Osaka are friendly, loud, and yummmmyyy!! I wanted to see if my stereotypes were true, and they were true as far as I know. I think people in Tokyo = New Yorkers, people in Osaka = South, people in Nagano = Oregonians, and people in Okinawa = Japanese Hawaiians. It's totally my biased opinion, but do you agree or disagree? Anyway, food in Osaka is just soooo delicious!! For some reasons, we couldn't have a chance to eat many different kinds of food.. I really want you to open your heart and mind to try food there just like Garfy. He is a vegetarian, but he ate meats, sea foods, and so on while Japan trip. He really enjoyed Japanese food sooo much!
Soooooo much fuuuuuuunn!!! THEN, off to Osaka Castle!! Here we come!!
I have been to Kyoto and Nara before, but not Osaka. We spend only a day in Osaka, but it was definitely worth visiting! Because there are just many, many, too many tourists in these places, people speak English. People try to speak English when they don't know any English. It is very thoughtful. Surprisingly, people tried to speak English to Summer and me as well... what can I say? Japan, I love you. You are very kind.ヽ(●´∀`)○´∀`)ノ
I wish to come back here to eat more food with Garfy some day!

Japan Trip : Nara

Welcome to Nara, amigos! While we were in Kyoto, we took a day trip to Nara. woohoo!!
Where is Nara? What's in Nara?
Nara is one of the prefectures next to Kyoto. I don't remember how long it took us to go to Nara from Kyoto, but it wasn't that far + costed about 800 yen to get there by train. Apparently, Nara has the most UNESCO World Heritage Listings in Japan. (More information of Nara, click HERE).

A serious meeting with the mascot of Nara prefecture.
We first went to Nara park. It's not a normal park that you see nearby your house. What is the difference? It's huuuuugeeee + there are tons of wild deer and people who sell "Shika Senbei;" food / crackers for deer. They are not scared of people at all... They don't care if you go close to them, touch them, pet them,,, etc. 

However, once you get shika senbei, they DO care about you. They watch you buying shika senbei (-_-)(6_6) THEN, friendly deer become aggressive deer!! GIVE ME, FEED ME, I'll follow you FOREVERRR!
  You just need to experience this!! haha We also visited couple shrines & temples. These pictures are from one of them called; Todaiji. There is a world largest sitting Buddha. How large is it? Oh, his middle finger is a lot taller than I am. I am about 5"2 (155cm) tall. His middle finger is "my height x 2".  ⁽⁽◝( ˙ ꒳ ˙ )◜⁾⁾ I am standing behind the Buddha... oh, Buddha & I can't fit into a picture.
We didn't forget shoppinggg, of course!
(sorry for my face.. I was so done with fighting with the heat & humidity. Every season, there are sooo much to see and enjoy in Japan, but I highly recommend you to go to Japan in Spring or Fall. haha)